Here's what we've got planned for this week. Hope to see you all in the library.
Monday from 1:30-4:30pm
The Friends of The Cypress Park Library will be holding their used book sale in the community room. Books and VHS tapes start at 25¢ with nothing over $1.
Tuesday from 3-4pm
"Infant & Toddler Story Time"
Children under 3 and their special grown-ups join the children’s librarian for nursery rhymes, songs, finger plays, and books. Families are welcome to share books and play in the Early Learning Area before and after the story time.
Wednesday from 4-5pm
"Family Art Program" @Lacma will be here. Kids and their families are all welcome to participate. Every week we learn art in a different way. Materials are included in this free program.
Thursday from 4-5pm
"Teen Bingo Night" Teens, join us for exciting rounds of Bingo. Plenty of prizes will be handed out and light refreshments will be provided.
Saturday from 12-1pm
"Grandparents And Books"
Books come alive for kids when they share the fun of reading with GAB library volunteers. Grandpa Allen will be here.
1:30-4:30pm The Friends of The Cypress Park Library will be holding their used book sale in the community room. Books and VHS tapes start at 25¢ with nothing over $1.
For more info on any of these programs please call us at the branch. Our phone number is (323) 234-0039.
We are the Cypress Park branch of the L.A. Public Library system
embracing Social Media as a way to stay connected with our community
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Check This Out: A Conversation with S.J. Rivera
When you come across a good thing you have a responsibility to share it with others. That's why we're very excited to have S.J. Rivera's books on our library shelves. He is a talented writer. You can find his writing all over the internet and thanks to his kind donation you can now find his two books here at the Cypress Park Branch Library. We wanted to get to know him a little better. Check it out. :)
At what age did you begin seriously writing and when did you begin to consider yourself a "writer"?
Does anyone ever really consider themselves a writer? I’d be curious to hear the different responses to that question. Believe it or not, I didn’t really get into writing until I was in college and started getting positive feedback from peers and professors over mundane assignments. I never had the opportunity to really “write” in high school so it was a new experience. Taking a run of the mill writing course in college really turned on a few lights in my head, so to speak…I also started reading a lot of different authors that inspired me.
I didn’t begin seriously writing until midway through college though when I began to write for a Chicano newspaper (that I helped found) and befriended some Chicano poets and writers at school. I also started doing poetry readings in and around town. We started a poetry group and would frequent the coffee shops and bars and do readings for anyone willing to listen. It was fun and there was an energy at readings that was electrifying. You’d read a piece about the hood or about the cops and people would shout out and yell. It felt good. One of the guys in the group had a portable PA and speakers and we’d post up on street corners in downtown Denver or on campus. We’d just go off in the middle of the day and spit Chicano poetry and people walking by. Sometimes we’d crash karaoke bars and perform spoken word over songs that were playing, like “Lowrider” by WAR.
I began to see that there was more to this writing thing than just dusty old books written by dead White guys. It became addictive. I also wanted my voice to be heard and I wanted to reach more people so my interest in journalism grew. At one time I wanted to be the Chicano Hunter Thompson.
Have there been times where you wanted to give up? How did you get past that?
Yeah, a few actually - life’s funny with the lessons it teaches you. Like many from the “Fight Club” generation I figured I’d struggle for a while but eventually make it as a hotshot journalist and then be “discovered” as this unsigned talent. But real life isn’t like that.
I did indeed struggle and found out what it’s like to amass a pile of rejection letters from traditional publishers and agents. I became a bonafide journalist and discovered that it’s nothing like you think it is – where I envisioned covering “hard news”, I found myself covering 8th-grade renditions of “Bye Bye Birdie” and little league ball games. Talk about disappointment - I went from the fire of street poetry to the mendacity of covering small-town politics. It felt sterile and dead.
No matter how hard I dug for gritty, “real” news I was always tossed back into the reality of journalism – at the beck and call of advertisers…that left a bad taste in my mouth. I was hiding who I was and trying to fit into a mold that wasn’t right. I was, of course, writing all the time after work as an outlet for my corporate frustration but I had nowhere to share it. I missed the freedom of publishing a newspaper where I could say what I wanted, when I wanted, unedited and uncensored. I was at a crossroads.
After 9/11, I switched gears and became an EMT. Again, Hunter Thompson had an influence on me. He rode with the Hell’s Angels for a year and wrote a book about his experiences. I wanted to do something like that. I wanted to throw myself into something completely different and get up close and personal with death and destruction…and then write about it. I got my wish.
I ended up being certified as a firefighter/EMT and even made it half-way through paramedic school. I was hired by two top fire departments in Florida. Here I was in the middle of rookie school as a professional firefighter, signing documents on how I’d want my funeral to go (picking pallbearers etc.) when I had to throw the brakes on and really take a look at what I was doing. It was almost like an out of body experience. I knew that if I stayed as a firefighter I would dedicate the rest of my life to it – I was good at it! But my heart was never really in it and it was time to take off the mask.
I walked away from that career and turned my experiences into a book (Demon in the Mirror). I decided to once again listen to my heart and started my own publishing company and I haven’t looked back since. It was funny because when I was in rookie school; all the guys would ask me what I did before the FD and I would tell them: I was a writer. I would get lots of funny looks. I like to tell people that I was no more a firefighter than Hunter Thompson was an outlaw biker.
Who is it (outside of family) that you would say has helped you the most?
Hmmm…that’s an interesting question. My family has helped the most. I would say that the support and feedback that I get from people who read my work has helped quite a bit. There was a couple of counselors here and there but really, family has been the strongest supporter. This thing I do – it requires that you push yourself because there are not going to be a lot of people there to help you. You have to know what you want and be willing to go after it. Some might say it’s a pipedream to become a “writer”…but like they say, the difference between a professional and an amateur is that the pro never gave up. I’ve always pushed myself the most but friends and family have helped tremendously.
Who are some of your favorite authors and what is it that you like about their work?
Whew! There’s a bunch. Hunter S. Thompson is one of my all-time favorite writers. He was amazing. He made me want to be a journalist and a “gonzo” writer. I wanted to be the Chicano Hunter Thompson! He was unafraid to be himself on the page. A lot of people hold back and edit themselves before they ever commit a word but Thompson always wrote whatever he thought and I really respected that. He had a knack with words that made political stories come off like poetry. He was an amazing journalist and a very talented writer. He investigated the Ruben Salazar story long before the mainstream knew what a ‘Chicano’ was. He wrote about politics drugs, booze, and the perils of the American dream. He made being a writer exciting.
Other favorites include Henry Rollins, Richard Matheson, Rod Serling, Stephen King, William S. Burroughs, Rodolfo Acuna, Rodolfo Gonzales, Subcomandante Marcos, Che Guevarra…and a ton of others. Rollins really had a huge impact on my writing because he was another writer who was not afraid to speak his mind. His writing really appealed to me at a time when I was bored with the “classic” poets and writers. Reading his work was like getting hit with a sledgehammer and I dug that. He also created his own publishing company and carved his own path into the literary world all by himself and I really respected that and wanted to do something similar. Oddly enough, I have a rejection letter from him as well. It says, “Good Luck, Mr. R”. All of the rejection letters and the naysayers motivated me.
I've read Demon in the Mirror & Amerikkkan Strories. The poetry and short stories are definitely "Hardcore". How many real life experiences have you shared w/ your readers in those two books?
I like putting a lot of honesty into my work. It’s raw, unrefined and like broken glass. You don’t read a whole lotta stuff like anymore that because people are afraid to be honest about themselves in their art. There’s actually quite a few real-life influences in both works. I’d never admit to all of them and there’s legal disclaimers at the beginning of both books [laughs]. But there’s a lot of truth in both books.
Everyone gets their ideas from somewhere and I’ve always contended that Stephen King must have had the shit beat out of him by some nasty bullies when he was growing up because he writes about it so convincingly. I had a newspaper ask me once if I had ever killed anyone (regarding DITM) and while the question was offensive I took it as a compliment – if my work is making you think twice the I am doing something right.
A lot of things that I write I will lend my imagination to – I enjoy letting the theater of the mind take over and watching what happens. A lot of times I’m speaking to something that happened in the past and embellishing it a little. Other times it’s exactly how it went down. Other times still, complete fiction. I like leaving the reader guessing. I think that’s part of the fun in my work – you’re never really quite sure if I’m pulling the wool over your eyes or not. That said, I think the seriousness of certain pieces speak for themselves.
Do you have any advice for other writers? (Particularly young writers)
Read. Read whatever you can get your hands on. Read until your blue in the face. If you don’t have time to read you don’t have time to write. Then…write!! Write until your hands hurt. Copy writers you like. Try and get their voice down. But write…you have to get all of those bad stories out of you before you can start writing the good ones and sometimes that takes a while, trust me.
Don’t give up and don’t let people tell you ‘you can’t’ do something. I hated a lot the early stuff that I wrote – to this day, much of it is unreadable to me but it was necessary to “get it out” so that I could learn from my mistakes.
So I would tell young people to not give up, despite negative criticism etc. The world will always need good storytellers, despite advances in technology. Also, write what you want to read! It doesn’t make sense to write something you wouldn’t like to read yourself. I know a lot of people say to write what you know but I think it’s more important to write what you love.
Your books are self-published. Tell people what that process is like and what the pros/cons might be when going that route.
It’s a steep learning curve and it can seem overwhelming sometimes. I struggled for a long time to find a traditional publisher and wasn’t getting anywhere. If you read my stuff you’ll see that the kind of stuff I write is not going to end up in the Penguin Anthology of Poetry. I decided to take matters into my own hands much like Henry Rollins did. I was determined to do it myself…whatever that meant. So I read, researched, dotted my I’s and crossed my t’s and here I am. I am the owner of a bonafide independent publishing company. Small but all mine. I’m the boss.
I’ll start with the cons first. You’re on your own. Any and all money required is going to come solely from you. It’s an uphill battle trying to compete with traditional publishers who can afford marketing and promotion, book tours and press. It’s a constant struggle to keep your name out there and to compete with the big name authors who have a corporation backing them. So, it kind of sucks to see celebs hawking their books (they didn’t write) on these lavish book tours but it’s more rewarding to have people actually read and enjoy your book without having to goad them into it with status or big name pubs.
The pros are that I have total control over what I write and how I market myself. No one can tell me anything. I choose the title of my books, the layout, I edit the writing, I choose the artwork – I have total freedom to say whatever I want. I can pursue and publish whomever I want. I love that freedom!
A lot of writers can’t say that because they are restricted by their contracts with their publishers or agents. They have to maintain an image and they have to meet their obligations. I enjoy the freedom to be myself and I think my work reflects that.
I started my business with the intent of seeking out the kind of work that traditional publishers would not spit at. It’s a tremendous effort to put together a book and get it on the market so there’s a sense of self-accomplishment. It’s indeed easier for anyone to self-publish these days because of technology but it’s hard to publish something that people actually want to read. I have a great sense of pride when people tell me they enjoy my books and the work that went into them.
There’s this negative stigma against self-published authors that stems from the traditional publishers wanting to corner the market. The truth of the matter is that there is more freedom in self-publishing now than ever before. There might not be as much money in it but not everyone does it with the illusions of getting rich. I started off doing this just wanting to get my work out there and that still holds true today. It’s nice to make money doing it but that was never the sole intent. As an independent publisher and a Xicano one at that, I feel that I am carving out my own niche and having a blast doing it.
Are you working on anything right now?
There are a few things in the works…some secret some not [laughs]. I am always writing so you never know what will come together. For starters, I want to publish an anthology of Latino lit in 2012. I’m looking for raw, hard-hitting talent and I want to showcase that in a book.
Books like that are few are far between so I want to help change that if I can. Again, I want to publish books that I would want to read. I’m hoping to get a couple of heavy hitters on board for that book but we’ll see how things work out.
I’m always writing new material. I may re-release the out of print “Alcohol Soaked and Nicotine Stained” and I’m also working on a short story collection.
What can your readers expect in 2012? (Any children’s books? LOL)
It’s funny that you say that because I’ve always wanted to write a children’s book! I still might someday, it depends. They can expect more of the same from BSP. I’m excited about the future of this endeavor. 2011 was a great year for BSP. I strive to fill a void with my books and hopefully I am doing that and want to continue.
I am hoping to make more public appearances if I can and also to reach out to young people and show them that they have a voice. I think people can expect BSP to come out strong in 2012. This is gonna be a crazy year and I want to be a part of that.
Is there anything you write just for yourself? How much of your writing will never see the light of day?
Oh yeah - all kinds of stuff. There’s a ton of material that I wrote before my first two books were published (I’m talking volumes) and there’s stuff that was edited out of both of them as well. I write all the time. Some of it will never be shared with people because not everything is for public consumption. A lot of it is too personal. I think Luis Urrea said in an interview once that when you are writing you want to avoid revealing too much because it comes off like a sledgehammer – instead, he said, you want to reveal just enough so as to cut like a scalpel. That resonated with me quite a bit because a lot of my material is very personal. I like to do both…but yeah, a lot of is just for me.
You can email me or send submissions for consideration to mail@brokenswordpublications
You can find me on Twitter @sjrivera and @brokenswordpub
Everybody has a reflection. Everyone has a dark side. There is always someone looking back at you from the inside of the mirror. What does your reflection say to you inside the glass? Demon in the Mirror is a collection of hard-edged and dark writings. This explicit collection includes the poems, "Shadows & Flames", "Idle Hands". "Demon in the Mirror", and short stories "13 Hours" and "Last Stop". With his gritty style and gut-punching honesty, Rivera shares with his readers a unique look into his world through poetry, prose and short fiction.
You can find this book on our shelves Call # 818 R 6198
You can find this book on our shelves Call # 818 R 6198
Ameikkkan Stories is the second collection of hardcore poetry from Xicano author S.J.Rivera. It expresses the turmoil of uncertain times in these so-called United States. It is the handbook for the revolution and a diary of the decline of western civilization. The writing is on the wall with this hard-hitting, unrelenting, uncensored and raw collection of poems. These are the tales of wrath and redemption, of recovery and revolution.
You can find this book on our shelves. Call# 811 R 6213
Wow. Great interview!
I am wondering if you, SJ Rivera, can tell us if there are any female writers that influenced you or whose work you like to read.
Thank you so much for sharing all this information with us.
Thank you,
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Yay! We have a blog
Hi, I'm so excited that we have a blog up! I look forward to posting more about programs, and general library information. Maybe even funny stories that tend to be part of working at a library!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
This Week At The Cypress Park Branch Library
3:30-5:30pm "Grandparents And Books"
Books come alive for kids when they share the fun of reading with GAB library volunteers. Grandma Sara will be here.
3:00-4:00pm Infant & Toddler Storytime
Children under 3 and their special grown-ups join the children’s librarian for nursery rhymes, songs, finger plays, and books. Families are welcome to share books and play in the Early Learning Area before and after the story time. Special Chinese New Year program. Children will learn about Chinese New Year and learn how to use chopsticks!
12pm Adult Computer Class
Learn how to use Wordpad and upload documents from it to Google Docs and Skydrive. Learn how to save and upload documents using a flash drive. Learn how to attach documents to e-mail and how to search using Google.Wordpad, E-mail and Internet Searching also covered in this free program.
4-5pm "Family Art Program" @LACMA will be here. Kids and their families are all welcome to participate. Every week we learn art in a different way. Materials are included in this free program.
4:00pm Teen Council
Come and meet others teens of Cypress Park. Have a say about what materials and programs the library offers to teens just like yourself. Be here and let your voice be heard.
12-1pm "Grandparents And Books"
Books come alive for kids when they share the fun of reading with GAB library volunteers. Grandpa Allen will be here.
12:00pm GED Practice Exam
We'll be offering a free practice G.E.D. exam in the library's community room. For more info call: 323-224-0039
For more info on any of these programs please call us at the branch. Our phone number is (323) 234-0039.
3:30-5:30pm "Grandparents And Books"
Books come alive for kids when they share the fun of reading with GAB library volunteers. Grandma Sara will be here.
3:00-4:00pm Infant & Toddler Storytime
Children under 3 and their special grown-ups join the children’s librarian for nursery rhymes, songs, finger plays, and books. Families are welcome to share books and play in the Early Learning Area before and after the story time. Special Chinese New Year program. Children will learn about Chinese New Year and learn how to use chopsticks!
12pm Adult Computer Class
Learn how to use Wordpad and upload documents from it to Google Docs and Skydrive. Learn how to save and upload documents using a flash drive. Learn how to attach documents to e-mail and how to search using Google.Wordpad, E-mail and Internet Searching also covered in this free program.
4-5pm "Family Art Program" @LACMA will be here. Kids and their families are all welcome to participate. Every week we learn art in a different way. Materials are included in this free program.
4:00pm Teen Council
Come and meet others teens of Cypress Park. Have a say about what materials and programs the library offers to teens just like yourself. Be here and let your voice be heard.
12-1pm "Grandparents And Books"
Books come alive for kids when they share the fun of reading with GAB library volunteers. Grandpa Allen will be here.
12:00pm GED Practice Exam
We'll be offering a free practice G.E.D. exam in the library's community room. For more info call: 323-224-0039
For more info on any of these programs please call us at the branch. Our phone number is (323) 234-0039.
Friday, January 20, 2012
The Music Behind The Words:
An Evening Of Spoken Word & Music with
Special Guest Artist Mike de la Rocha
Offering an alternative view of social entrepreneurship, Mike de la Rocha has emerged as one of America's top new voices on youth development issues. He has been acknowledged for integrating social justice, the arts and his personal experiences to bring diverse communities together to promote solutions to social inequity and violence.
In addition to his musical and advocacy efforts, Mike continues to gain national attention as an artist, public speaker and contributing writer to Russell Simmon's Global Grind website ( For more information on Mike de la Rocha visit
Cypress Park Branch Library
Thursday, March 8th
6:30 pm to 7:30 pm
Join us in welcoming special guest Mike de la Rocha in a program celebrating the power of the arts.
Participation is open to everyone and teens especially are encouraged to share their poetry, writings and music during the event.
Cypress Park Library
1150 Cypress Ave. Los Angeles, CA. 90065
Follow us on Twitter: @CypressParkLAPL
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Brianna, Eddie and Fabian singing some Nirvana @YoungBreezee reading a poem by Christina Sanchez |
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@LiburyChica reading some poetry |
Imani from the Library Foundation Of Los Angeles, @WendyCarrillo and @MrmikedelaRocha |
@WendyCarrillo reciting 2Pac's "Dear Mama" in honor of International Women's day
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The whole event streamed live. Viewers as far as Florida were able to listen to "The Music Behind The Words" (picture credit to @WendyCarrillo) |
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