What is CicLAvia?
I asked myself the same question and was not prepared for
the great adventure we experienced through the streets of downtown Los Angeles.
temporarily removes cars from L.A. streets - and the streets fill up with
With three hugely successful CicLAvias
(10/10/10, 4/10/11 and 10/9/11) under our belt, we are currently preparing for
the April, 15 2012 CicLAvia. 10 miles of streets were car-free from 10 AM - 3
PM on Sunday October 9th 2011. In 2012, we’re doing the initial route again,
and adding new spurs to El Pueblo/Olvera Street and South LA, for a total of
ten miles.
Ciclovías started in Bogotá, Colombia, over thirty years ago as a response to the congestion and pollution of city streets. Now they happen throughout Latin America and the United States. From http://www.ciclavia.org/about/
Ciclovías started in Bogotá, Colombia, over thirty years ago as a response to the congestion and pollution of city streets. Now they happen throughout Latin America and the United States. From http://www.ciclavia.org/about/
As we entered the streets of Olvera
Street already people were gathered at 9am listening to various speakers and
supporters of CicLAvia. It was not
until after Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spoke that I was informed of the
partnership of Bike Nation with the city of Los Angeles, Venice, Playa Del Rey,
Westwood and Hollywood. It is a bike
share program that plans to have 400 stations and provide 4,000 bikes for rent.
I had not come prepared with my bicycle
but my friends and I noticed bike nation was renting out bikes for an hour for
free! So as excited cyclists and pedestrians made their way to the starting
line, we put our names on a waiting list.
Fifteen minutes later we were on our way down the streets of
downtown! What an exciting feeling of
being able to ride down the streets with no cars. We made our way to the 1st St. bridge and while my
friend and her child turned back, her husband and I rode up the bridge. I admit it was not easy, but I was not going
to miss the opportunity of riding the bridge that connects Los Angeles to East
Los Angeles. From there we made our way
back and after returning our bicycles we walked back to downtown to enjoy a
dessert at Syrup on Spring Street.
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